Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A rare gem

Please click on the title to go to the story by Associated Press.

The article is about a picture that was taken in 1888. The picture of Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan. The first time I got to know about Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan was in the movie "The Miracle Worker". A friend had it so I watched it out of sheer boredom. After a few months, I heard about "Black". I definitely felt that the Hollywood version was closer to the truth. And what's Bollywood without masala anyway.

A picture is worth thousand words. This picture made my day. It tells you the story which is almost 130 years old. Am not saying anything about the story, because I am pretty sure everyone knows the story.

This 1888 photo released by the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston shows Helen Keller when she was eight years old, left, holding hands with her teacher, Anne Sullivan, during a summer vacation to Brewster, Mass., on Cape Cod. A staff member at the society discovered the photograph in a large photography collection recently donated to the society. When Sullivan arrived at the Keller household to teach Helen, she gave her a doll as a present. Although Keller had many dolls throughout her childhood, this is believed to be the first known photograph of Helen Keller with one of her dolls. (AP Photo/Courtesy of the Thaxter P. Spencer Collection, R. Stanton Avery Special Collections, New England Historic Genealogical Society-Boston)

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