Thursday, August 16, 2007

not bad... not bad at all...

I have for a very long time mulled over the decision to do something about corruption in India, which is rampant at each and every level, and... every time I came to the same conclusion that something should be done. And like a billion people (literally) never followed up on my thoughts.

I have always thought that the system should be changed, but never acted on it myself. And the excuse is the same every time.... I can do something but that would be a drop in the ocean, so why waste my time and energy...

And how pathetic is that excuse...

I almost stopped blogging because of my really busy schedule, BUT one thing did inspire me to take some time to post.

I know that most people read rediff everyday and if there are any of those in the readers that do not, please read this article in rediff. This article seems to have appeared in most newspapers. But I decided to put it on the blog anyway.

The site that is mentioned in the article is this.

So much was I impressed by this couple, that I have no other words except the title of this blog.

The husband, a very honest IAS officer who is being "transferred around" because he is a whistle blower for corruption in the system.

The wife, who chose to do her part and support her husband in his fight. And do more... start a website to fight the corruption

The son, is not far in his support. Instead of trying to persuade them not to do so (for fear of life), he is providing the tech support needed to reach a wider audience.

"The Right to Information Act"

I didn't even know that there is a Right to Information Act in India. I am sure the politicians who upheld it never thought that it would come back to haunt them. I am sure they passed it to look uber cool and to have everything USA has.

I knew about NIC long back. I have a cousin working for it. But never asked him about what it was thinking that it just is another government organization.

I am really glad that someone had taken the initiative. Now all the educated public (which is the first to shy away from responsibility) have no excuse. All those who said "Let someone else start" have their starting point.

As the website requests I am putting it in my blog in the hope that at least one person who is not aware of this would get to know about this.

At the very least this start is not bad... not bad at all....

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