You don't believe me..... then judge for yourself....
Look at what it asked me to do....
All I wanted is directions from my home to Bristol Myers Squibb. I was waiting for Google to give me a choice of addresses to choose from. Instead it pulled a fast one and gave me directions from the US to France.
That is understandable given that BMS might have an office in France (Head Quarters are in Lawrenceville, NJ), it is sarcastic nonetheless. It did not advice me to take a plane or a ship or something. It actually asked me to swim some 3500 miles across the Atlantic Ocean.
It did use the word swim. So someone must have entered that a water body has to be swum across. So some PhD had entered it somewhere to prove his sense of humor. Actually geeks do need to prove that they have sense of humor, lest none would believe.
I was astonished at first then had a good laugh. Someone is working overtime on their sense of humor at Google.
But I guess this very unapologetic nature of Google is giving some new search engines a chance to survive. Angel Investors have already invested millions in creating a more humane search. After all I guess the people in this country realized that more is always not better. Why give me a gazillion results I don't need instead of the a hundred that I would need.