Tuesday, March 28, 2006


If you are familiar with Dentyne chewing gum, then most probably you are familiar with Dentyne-isms (supposedly words of wisdom.... but i think half baked). Some of these are funny, and some are really bad.

Check for yourself.

#001: Take the path less traveled but bring plenty of underwear.
#004:Why don’t aliens ever kidnap normal people?
#005: Today’s the day. (If not tommorrow is too).
#006: a penny saved is not much in the grand scheme of things.
#007: Tall people may be taller, but they also get rained on first.
#009: do unto other, but don’t use unto in casual conversation
#010: It's not who you know, but what you know about whom.
#011: Why is it always awkward when the music stops in a bar?
#012: If all else fails, hit the ground and start flailing.
#013: Taste varies (depending on you level of desperation)
#014: The beauty of a vibrating phone goes beyond silence.
#016: the more time you spend staring into her eyes the less you’ll talk later.
#017: Lift someone's spirits (but try not to throw out your back).
#019: Don’t date someone who says they need to be “selfish right now”...
#022: Whoever said "the chase is half the fun" has never been caught.
#023: Love thy neighbor, but lock your car.
#025: Why don't psychics ever win lotteries?
#026: Love is Blind, but lingerie is still a good thing.
#027: Why is “abbreviated” such a long word?
#028: Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
#030: If at first you don't succeed, sky diving is probably not for you.
#031: How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you’re on.
#032 All signs point to yes… Take it how you’d like.
#033: If time stands still, what time is it when it starts moving again?
#034: For a more intense workout, whack a beehive with a bat.
#038: How is it that every movie that comes out is “The Best Movie of the Year”?
#040: Let the awkward silence that follows your jokes be a sign.
#041: Why don't fortune cookies give actual fortunes anymore
#068: Someday parachute pants may come back in. Today is not that day.
#070: Whenever someone says "Fire at Will", does Will get a royalty check??
#081: Mint is said to be a good mouse deterrent. You're on your own against hyenas.
#082: You're only as old as people think you are.
#085: If you’re scared, just whistle. If that doesn’t work, run.
#090: just when you thought all hope was lost, along came Macarena
#091: Beware of anyone who overuses the word “paradigm”
#092: Why do people call their advice "two cents" when it's usually worthless?
#094: It's not wise to upset a grizzly bear, especially if he's been drinking.
#095: Picking a scab early may leave a scar, but it sure is fun.
#096: Making the bed: Not fun. Messing it up again: Fun
#101: Why do all unusual meats taste like chicken?
#104: if your life had a soundtrack, would it be played by and ochestra or a band of accordians?
#111: The scenery was nice, but the road was a little curvy
#113: There's no monster under the bed. He's in your closet tonight.
#116: Replacing someone’s parachute with canned goods is not funny...Okay, yes it is!
#117: A first date is NOT the place to mention you've done time.
#121:” Life is like the protective cup a man wears when playing sports, sometimes it gets sweaty and uncomfortable, but if you get kicked in the nuts you are glad you didn’t forget to wear it.”
#131: Why is it that the more you spend on dinner, the hungrier you are when you leave the restaurant?
#132: Making faces in the mirror is one of life's great secret pleasures.
#134: Happiness is a brand new pack of Dentyne Fire.
#135: Why do the bad guys always flee upstairs to the roof?
#136: Much worse than tennis elbow is video game butt.
#138: Instead of saying cheers, make up something and say it's foreign.
#142: Don’t cut the pineapple with the a broken knife, or the knife will turn into Woodstock ‘69.
#147: Everyone practices one-upmanship. But I am better at it than you.
#152: Want to see the world? Just look down. That’s it right there.
#154: Think about this: EVERYONE thinks they look good when they leave the house.
#156: You can't really call TV characters at phone numbers that begin with "555"
#157: If there were no Mondays, everyone would complain about Tuesdays.
#158: Surfing used to be done in the water. Now it's done mostly at work.
#159: Open your eyes when you kiss - if you get caught, what can they say?
#160: I dare you to chew a few pieces of Dentyne Ice and then drink some really cold water.
#161: "Corduroy underwear: Never had a chance."
#162: To get someone to keep talking - nod your head and say “REALLY?” a lot.
#163: If a candy bar says "NOW with real chocolate" what were you eating before?
#168: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but rug burn really hurts.
#169: The muumuu has yet to realize its full potential as a fashion trend
#170: if you name ur dog rollover your going to have to bathe him a lot
#171: My vacuum cleaner is dusty - what should I do?

I switched to Orbit.... so I think the updates wont happen anymore... lets see